Cargo trailers are great for hauling all kinds of things: vehicles, equipment, furniture, and more. But some things are strictly off-limits. For your own safety and the safety of others, here are a few select items you should avoid hauling with a trailer:

Hazardous Materials

Hazardous materials include chemicals, oil, gasoline, and propane. These materials are highly flammable and should never be transported in a cargo trailer – not even in sealed containers, because the vibrations in a cargo trailer could break the seal and cause them to leak.


This one might be obvious to most people, but explosives are also dangerous to haul with a cargo trailer. Explosive compounds can be unstable, and may detonate in transit.

Large Animals

Cargo trailers are not designed to transport live animals, especially not large ones. Horses and cows should never be loaded into a cargo trailer, and doing so could harm your animals. If you need to transport livestock, you should invest in a livestock trailer.

Heavy Machinery

Last but not least, you should never use a cargo trailer to haul heavy machinery, like tractors or front-end loaders. These machines are too large and heavy for a cargo trailer to handle. Exceeding the weight limit can result in serious damage to the trailer and its cargo.

We hope you found this information useful! Are you in the market for a new cargo trailer? If so, come check out our selection at Right Trailers.

You can find Right Trailers in Lakeland and Ocala, FL, and in Caledonia, WI. We welcome our neighbors from Milwaukee, WI, and Jacksonville, FL.