Want to improve your gas mileage when towing your trailer? Use the following strategies to maximize your tow vehicle's fuel efficiency.

The Importance of Improving Gas Mileage

The main advantage of boosting fuel efficiency is, of course, the financial savings. Better gas mileage means spending less money on gas.

However, there is another key benefit. Better gas mileage means an increased distance between fuel stops. You can travel with your trailer for longer distances before needing to refuel. This can be a great time-saver for those using their trailers for their business. It's also helpful when traveling in more rural areas where gas stations are fewer and farther in-between.

Trip Planning Tips

Sometimes, there is no wiggle room as to when you hit the road with your trailer. But if you have some flexibility on your departure time, use that to your advantage.

Try to avoid driving:

  • On a windy day, which will cause your tow vehicle to need to work harder.
  • In high heat, which reduces engine efficiency.
  • In high traffic, which can result in lots of starting and stopping.

Trailer Loading Tips

Limit the Weight Loaded Onto the Trailer

A heavier trailer will hurt fuel efficiency. Focus on keeping your trailer as lightweight as possible. Leave any non-essential items at home. If possible, purchase any needed items closer to your destination. The less time that your trailer is heavy, the less time the tow vehicle's gas mileage will be reduced.

Load Items Strategically

It's important to load a trailer in a way that keeps weight evenly distributed. That way, the tow vehicle won't need to work as hard and the gas mileage won't be as affected. This not only helps with fuel efficiency, but it also makes the trip safer.

If you are towing an open trailer, you'll also need to focus on reducing wind resistance. Load up the trailer so that items are as low as possible. Be sure to also secure any loose items, which helps improve trailer aerodynamics and keeps them from falling off onto the road.

Tow Vehicle Tips

Set yourself up for success by being well-rested before you hop into the driver's seat. This will help you stay alert so you can better react to situations, which allows you to slow down earlier and save fuel.

As you drive, focus on:

  • Gentle acceleration.
  • Early breaking.
  • Maintaining a constant speed and using cruise control on flat roads.
  • Traveling at lower speeds when possible.
  • Coasting down hills.

Trailer Buying Tips

If you haven't bought a trailer yet, you can purchase one with gas mileage in mind.

First, look for lightweight models. If the trailer weighs less, it will impact the tow vehicle's gas mileage less.

Second, look for trailers that are shorter than your tow vehicle. When the trailer is taller, it can create pockets of wind resistance that hurt fuel efficiency.

Want to explore trailers for sale? Check out the selection at Right Trailers. We carry a range of trailers to suit a range of budgets. See our available models online or at our dealerships. We have locations in Lakeland and Ocala, Florida, as well as Caledonia, Wisconsin. We also proudly serve those in Jacksonville, Florida, as well as Milwaukee, Wisconsin.